June 19, 2023

How to Acclimate Your Kids During a Summer Move

Moving with kids 

Summer is a popular time for families to move, and it can be an exceptionally exciting new experience for kids. With school out, children have more free time to discover and forge new friendships in their new neighborhood. However, the process of moving can make children feel overwhelmed by the change. If you're planning a move with your family this summer, it's vital to take steps to acclimate your kids and make the move as seamless as possible. Before you start contacting Rochester’s packing and moving companies, take into account these strategies to ensure your whole family will joyfully settle in after your upcoming move.


Be Honest About the Move

Don't try to sugarcoat the move or make it seem like it's not a big deal. Kids are perceptive, and they'll know if you're not being honest with them. Have a conversation with them and explain why you're moving and answer any concerns they have. Be sure to have this talk before reaching out to packing and moving companies in Rochester, in case you start receiving calls or promotions from these packing and moving companies.


Maintain Some Normalcy

Even though you're moving, it's important to make an effort to maintain some sense of normalcy for your kids. Keep up their regular routines as much as possible, such as their bedtime routine, homework, and family dinners. This will help them feel more stable during a time of change.


Involve Your Kids in the Moving Process

One of the greatest ways to help your kids feel more comfortable with the move is to include them in the process. Let them help you choose a new home, choose the layout of their new spaces, and select new interior décor and furnishings. When kids feel like they have a say-so in the move, they may be more likely to feel enthusiastic about it.

You can also ask your kids to help you organize their playthings and garments, or give them the task of tagging boxes with the room they belong in. For younger children, perhaps the task of decorating the boxes, creating pictures for the Rochester packing and moving companies' crew, or simply scribbling their initials on the box might be enough for them to feel like they are involved. This will not just give them a sense of belonging over the move but also help them feel like they're contributing to the family's effort.


Research the New Community Together

Before you move, allocate some time learning about your new community together. Look for local events and local landmarks that might interest your kids, such as parks, museums, and sports teams. You can also look into the schools in the area and engage your kids throughout the process. Your kids will likely feel greater anticipation about the move and give them something to be excited about.


Take Advantage of Summer Activities

Before you move, spend some time exploring your new community together. Look for local events and attractions that your kids might find interesting, such as parks, museums, playgrounds, and local sports teams. You can also research the schools in the area and engage your kids in the decision-making process. Your kids will likely get more enthusiastic about the move and anticipate the new experiences ahead.

Making new friends 

Make New Friends

Moving to a new community means that your kids will need to find new buddies. This can be difficult, especially if they are shy. Even more effort is necessary in the summer while school is out, because kids won’t be able to meet children their age as readily during this time of the year.

One way to help your kids form new friendships is to enroll them in summer camps or other activities in the new town. You can also help your kids to get involved in community sports teams, art classes, music lessons, or clubs. This will not only help them make new friends but also foster a sense of belonging in the new community.


Keep a Positive Attitude

Moving can be a significant undertaking, but it's important to maintain a positive mindset and optimistic throughout the process. Kids often look to their parents for cues on how to feel about a situation, so it's vital to model a positive attitude. Try to highlight the benefits of the move, such as exploring a new community and forming new friends. This will promote a sense of more excited and optimistic about the move. Working with a reputable and professional Rochester packing and moving company can positively impact to ensuring a positive attitude!


Enjoy Long Weekends

Make the most of summer holidays and use the extra time to your advantage! Take the opportunity travelling around your new community, discovering new places, exploring museums, parks, beaches, or other little vacations. This can relieve stress and create lasting memories during this time of transition.


Stay Connected

Moving can be difficult, especially if your children are saying goodbye friends they've known for a considerable time. Encourage your kids to stay in touch with old friends through phone calls, video chats, and social media. This can help make the transition easier for your kids to adjust to their new community.


Partner with a Reliable Rochester Packing and Moving Company

Deciding on the right Rochester packing and moving company can help make the move less stressful for the whole family. When the adults in the home can rely on a reliable packing and moving company, the whole home can have a sense of security. Not needing to worry about the little details and allowing the experts to handle the major tasks will provide extra precious family time during the move.

At Corrigan Moving Systems, we understand the importance of family and ensuring that each family member is content throughout the transition. As a family owned and operated Rochester packing and moving company with more than 90 years of expertise, you can count on our guidance and expertise to navigate you seamlessly throughout the process. Call us today and see why Rochester families have chosen Corrigan Moving Systems over all other packing and moving companies for nearly a century!